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Butts & Guts Class 2: Bulgarian Squats

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 53 minute workout tones the lower body and core! You will need a stool or something similar to put your foot on for Bulgarian Squats If you are more advanced, use hand weights and ankle weights but not required for a great workout We warm up with lunges and go into a standing set of Bulgarian Squats, Dead Lifts and work for our muffin tops too Then into forearm planks and more muffin top targeting work Then laying on our sides we work obliques and outer hips Then we come to our backs for more bootie and hamstring and core work Pigeon yoga stretches finish us up to stretch us out in all the right spots

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Letting Go Of Definitions, Receiving More Love

By |December 3rd, 2019|

In this 85 minute full body practice you will be guided into a yoga and fitness fusion appropriate for all levels of fitness We transition into our practice slowly with an opening contemplation around Love Grab one block if you have it One Tabata interval with a Burpee exercise is woven in to boost the heart rate and strengthen the upper body Exercises to tone the gluteus are sequenced and some balance challenge poses practiced too There is a good focus on a breathing, moving meditation which invites space to wash away tension and stickiness from inside, connecting us to the earth and stars

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Love & Appreciation: Full Body Workout

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 90 minute workout is a high intensity practice that has low impact and high impact cues, allowing it to be appropriate for all levels of fitness as we sweat with a higher intention of LOVE, acceptance and appreciation Sun salutations and some core work warm us up, followed by a strong lower body interval The lower body moves at both a slow tempo, and a fast twitch tempo gifting every fiber of our being with our attention This lower body interval set infuses both yoga and plyometrics Then practice moves into a tabata set with an option to strengthen both the upper body and core as we train this interval We wind down with some longer held yoga postures, an expansive and cleansing breathing exercise, handstands, back bends and a legs up the wall cool down as we drench our bodies in appreciation

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Core and Upper Body Workout, Invest In YOU

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 65 minute workout starts with a short seated centering followed by seated yoga warm up for core and upper body From there we move into a strong core set 4 exercises for one minute each, 2 rounds Followed by yoga stretching such as backbends and thigh openers to complement the ab work We add a Tabata set of dolphin and forearm planks which tone the triceps, shoulders and upper back body Finish with a set of back body toning exercises and some good yoga stretches Invest in you That can’t be taken away!

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Full Body Workout Inspired With Dance Moves

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 95 minute class starts with a dance isolation sequence to warm your body up from head to toe Today’s class is choreographed to the Band Of Light’s CD This class allows you to keep it pretty basic with your movements, or infuse it with your own funk and spice A good emphasis on the lower body, bootie and inner thighs with some handstand and forearm stand time to play too (modifications instructed too) ¨This class wraps up with stretches including splits and a long, body scanning, guided savasana that will leave you glowing

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Raw Beginner Upper Body Toning At Wall #2/4 In The Raw Beginner Series

By |December 3rd, 2019|

My Raw Beginner Fitness Series is appropriate for anyone overcoming pain and limitations in their bodies, or for anyone that is looking for a slow and detailed approach to getting back into their body with confidence Depending on where you are, every exercise may not be appropriate in every video for you, but overall this series should suit you perfectly The intention with this series is to help you cultivate trust in your body’s ability, trust you can excel, build confidence and strength and know your body more deeply This 28 minute workout targets your abs and your upper body We warm up with instruction on optimal alignment for the shoulders and upper body so that you can take that same alignment into safe and effective push-ups We also warm up with a core sequence that is done standing This entire class is done standing We then move into wide push ups at a wall and at a counter top and then elbow in push ups the same way This will build the strength in the upper body to one day rock them at the floor But for now this way will teach great alignment, build the strength and get you on the right platform for all that is to come! Once you build strength, stop using the wall and do every set at the countertop! This is a great introduction to push ups that work bicep, chest, core and triceps strength

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