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Optimism With A Sweaty Upper Body Burn

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 55 minute cardio and upper body interval workout will have your shoulders and arms burning with a toning goodness, your heart pumping and your body sweating!We play with a plethora of exercises in intervals with a quick 10 second rest, pulsing between a toning exercise and a cardio exercise Exercises include: handstand at the wall/L-pose at the wall, jumprope, plank climbers, jumping jacks, tricep kick backs, Arnold press with a squat, donkey kicks, superwoman pushups, and more You will leave this workout feeling more optimistic about everything and you will be very sweaty Yahoo!!!Light set of weights needed

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Energizing Our Body With A Vision Of The Future & Releasing The Past Habits That No Longer Serves

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 38 min guided meditation is inspired by Dr Joe Dispenza’s work We release our body from the past emotions and habits that no longer serve us so we can live our lives, in our bodies, as a vision of our future Time to expand into infinite possibilities

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Upper Body Focus Fusion Workout With Weights: Follow Through

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 90 minute workout focuses mostly on the upper body with some handstand play, a strong burpee circuit and high knee sprinters Grab a set of 5 and 10 pound weights, we are going to follow through into making our dreams reality!Be the bad ass you were truly designed to be by following through with your hearts deepest wishes Cultivating that heart and mind space we will challenge our body with an upper body focus fitness fusion

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Ten Minute Workout Unless You Wanna Make It 20: Full Body, Core Focus

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This all-levels, body-weight only workout uses a 50 second work period with a 10 second rest, for 10 different exercises Only got 10 minutes? Go though once with me Got more time? Hit the second round with more intensity! Exercises include inchworms, alternate leg thrusters, burpees, side planks, bear crawl, bridge thrusters, bicycles and down dog planks High five for making the time for your self-care today You rock!!!

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Simply Creating Space

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 10 minute video is easy breezy The intention to create space inside of our bodies brings us to our mats We cordinate body to breath, we move, we feel and we open You will leave you mat feeling energetically shiny and a bit more spacious inside Enjoy

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Legs N Buns: Fear, Support, Dreams

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 60 minute workout starts with a yoga warm up and moves into exercises with hand weights and a resistance band to tone legs and butt Some exercises include: split lunges, wide squats, lateral walks with band, good morning / single leg dead lifts, hip thrusts and inner thigh toning too Yoga stretches cool us down In this class I share my experience of moving from Michigan to Kauai to inspire ways to open to support as you courageously follow your heart’s dreams too

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