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Some People Feel The Rain: Yoga

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 59 min yoga practice is appropriate for all levels Grab 2 blocks and a strap We start on the floor and work out way into a strong standing sequence before finishing supine with some powerful thigh stretches Poses include: cat/cow, childs pose/cobra, supine hamstring stretches, forward folds/clasped hands, setu banda, windshield wiper, reverse warrior, parsvakonasana, bound parsva, vita III, ardha supine virasana variations  

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A Successful Life: Fitness Fusion With Sliders

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 60 min workout uses sliders (slippy washcloths on wood floor or paper plates on carpet) and body weight only We strengthen and sculpt the entire body with exercises that include: plank jack sliders, curtsy slider into an oblique crunch, pike ups, handstands at the wall, dancer pose, side lunge sliders and more We finish with a heart pumping set of Touchdown Tabatas Single leg back bend curl ups are one more advanced exercise we play with before yoga cool down The theme encourages small stepping stones into a successful life

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Spread Yourself Open A Yummy Yoga Practice

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 72 min yoga practice starts with a couple restorative postures, supra baddha konasana and supported child’s pose Grab a blanket and 2 blocks From there we move into work on all 4s and then to seated poses such as twists, neck rolls, repeater arm raises, circles We flow through some standing postures to open the hips and shoulders and finish seated and supine again with poses such as upavista konasana /wide angle forward fold, janu sirsasana and more We finish with a yummy savasana that will leave you feeling spacious and free

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Tabata Full Body X2, Core, Stretch

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 34 minute video is appropriate for all levels and is a delightful combo of 2 rounds of tabata (so don’t hold back on these), a strong set of plank variations and supine work for the core, some toning work for the glutes and muffin top areas, as well as a yummy yoga stretch cool down Grab a set of medium weights and one heavy weight If you don’t have access to weights, I do give modifications to those exercises Exercises in this workout include: touch downs, caterpillar pushups, kettle bell squat and swings, wide squat with an over head press and more We focus lots on the breath, such a great combo class here

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Settling Into A Delicious Spaciousness

By |December 3rd, 2019|

Feeling stuck either energetically or emotionally? This 22 min meditation is for you We do begin with just a couple of restorative yoga postures before settling into savasana Restorative poses use a blanket and 2 blocks and include supta baddha konasana as well as supported child’s pose The meditation is done in savasana and invites you to spread yourself as wide open as the universe and to rest back into support

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Beyond Calories: Yoga

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 61 minute all level yoga practice opens with a quick share that invites you to really feel into the reason you are engaging in yoga or a fitness lifestyle This practice invites us to go beyond old belief systems and expand into something much more loving and pleasurable Standing poses, standing balancing poses, hip openers, thigh stretches and more make this a powerful and awesome well rounded practice

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