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Breathing Meditation Followed By Gratitude & Reverence Energy

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 15 minute meditation starts with a seated pranayama that is stimulating, invigorating and cleansing From there we come center and drop deep into our heart space, gratitude and love Seamlessly we move into yet another breathing tool to open up our bodies and energetic being, connecting ourselves humbly and with reverence to the magic and mystery of the universe

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Finishers: Side Waistline and Buns

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 16 minute workout can be added to the end of any other workout to really finish off your abs, core, waistline and that boo-tay! Some fun an unique exercises here! If you wish to use this as a short workout alone, warm up and cool down with a little yoga stretching Rock on!

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Centered With Intent And Awareness: Heart Openers & Yoga Twists

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 66 min yoga practice is a blend of twists, balancing, and back bends We use a yoga mat, strap and 2 blocks Twisting poses include: twisted lunges, twisted ardha chandrasana, parvrita hand to foot pose, twisted child’s pose and a supine twist Heart opening yoga poses include: standing baby back bends, cobra pose, ardha chandra chopasana, dolphin pose, pincha mayurasana, camel pose and camel drop backs Grab a strap, blanket and 2 blocks

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Ujjaii Breathing

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 6 minute tutorial of Ujjaii breathing, a pranayama (breathing) technique used in yoga, has benefits to quiet the mind, warm the body, and deepen the breath Enjoy ujjaii pranayam

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Yoga Poses For Strong Legs And Toned Butt With Opening Meditation

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 35 minute yoga practice starts with an 8 minute meditation that invites us to expand our perspective on challenge We take this perspective into our yoga practice that includes mostly standing poses to tone the legs and gluteus muscles Exercises include butt toning work on all 4s and these yoga poses: Vira 1, Vira II, Vira III, ardha chandrasana, reverse warrior, twisted ardha chandrasana, forearm plank and twisted down dog A good combo of butt and hamstring toning with yoga

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Down Dog Tutorial

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This is an excellent tutorial whether you are brand new to yoga or if you have yet to explore all the alignment tips to activate your down dog into awesomeness! Samantha takes 30 minutes to breaking down downward facing dog pose!There are so many treasures in this tutorial, by finding your optimal place in down dog, you will enhance almost every practice we do together, because this pose is in almost every practice Why? Because it is an amazing pose! Find out the plethora of benefits in this session and get ready to enhance your potential in so many poses, just by refining this one!

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