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Yoga Ball Workout: Core Fun

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 33 minute core workout is packed full of unique ab exercises all done with a yoga ball I open up with a couple minutes of talk-story centered around gratitude, receiving and self-worth How much joy can we really receive? Let’s play! Oh, and your core WILL be sore tomorrow

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Low Impact, Lower Body Fitness: #3 In Series For Raw Beginners

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 29 minute workout is geared to someone coming back from injury or someone who is super brand new to fitness and needs a stepping stone into more Split squats, buddha squats and squats to a chair are the focus with some calf work to challenge our balance and finish of strengthening the rest of the legs finishes us up Grab a chair and a light set of weights are optional

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Waveform Of Love Meditation

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 10 minute meditation can be done seated or supine in savasana Samantha will guide you in expanding the pulse of your breath into a immense, gently flowing river of love which will conclude inviting any part of your body that needs brought back to harmony to resonate as so

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Shoulder Training With Pranic Bath

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 52 min workout uses hand weights and a resistance band We also have a section of handstand play and use wall space for that Some exercises are full body as we bring in squats, curtsey squats and hamstrings too Your shoulders will be burning on all sides of the delts, front, side and back baby! Exercises include Arnold Presses, lateral lifts, side planks with resistance and supine pulls We finish with a pranic bathing of breath and challenge the shoulder’s endurance as well Neck and deltoid stretches cool us down

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Camel Pose Variations and Forward Bending

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 38 minute yoga practice plays with some variations of camel pose/ustrasana to open the quads, hip flexors and heart Grab a couple blocks for more of a beginner There is a nice blend of back bending and forward bending here Other poses include crescent with garudasana arms, parsvakonasana, parvottanasana / hamstring stretch, standing split, hip opening lunge, janu sirsasana variation, butterfly pose / Baddha Konasana

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Bulgarian Squat & Dead Lift Variations

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 31 minute lower body workout uses hand weights and a stool We warm up with dynamic yoga movements and then keep it moving with exercises that tone your butt, hamstrings, inner thighs and quads Exercises include: Bulgarian squats, wide Bulgarian squats and wide stance dead lifts all with hand weights Yoga cool down balances it all out perfectly Leg Day!

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