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Meditation: Unconditional Love For Our Body Right Now

By |December 2nd, 2019|

This 16 minute meditation is done lying on our backs or in supra baddha konasana (supine butterfly pose) Have you been trying so hard to accept your body and time and time again feel like you have failed? This meditation is for you Unconditional love for your body is possible Feel how amazing and spacious this love be, and this love is you!

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Meditation: Wanting Vs Having

By |December 2nd, 2019|

This 15 minute guided meditation starts with a quick conversation around what it feels like to want something vs what it feels like to have it ÂÂ The meditation that follows continues to explore this for ourselves, with an invitation to take a bird’s eye view on our own situation

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12 Minute Tone Ups Low Impact Lower Body Workout

By |December 2nd, 2019|

This short workout is appropriate for a beginner We do a total of 10 exercises that target our entire lower body and glutes and stretch out at the end for a couple minutes to wrap it all up short and powerfully Some of the exercises include squats with knee lift, side leg lifts, back kicks and some core work done standing too!

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12 Minute Booster, Focus Upper Body

By |December 2nd, 2019|

This 12 minute video is great for anyone that is having difficulties being weight bearing on their upper body It is short and energizing We move the arms in various ways which feels stimulating in a shimmering way to your heart center The joints of the body are moving without heaviness and circulation can flow!This is a great one done alone for an energetic boost or you could add another 12 minute tone up to balance the lower body too

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Dance Isolations And Heart Opening Yoga Stretches

By |December 2nd, 2019|

This short 17 minute video introduces you to the basic warm up I use to use when I use to teach African Style Dance classes It is a simple isolation warm up that will have your grooving from your head to your toes as well as create a toning heat in your lower body From there we move to the floor for some basic heart opening stretches This is a joyful and playful practice Turn on your own tunes if you wish, get ready to move and have fun!

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Sweaty & Out Of Breath

By |December 2nd, 2019|

This 17 minute workout is appropriate for all levels My mama demos low impact for beginners and I demo high intensity for advanced We interval 50 seconds of exercise with 10 seconds rest for 10 rounds using exercises that get the heart pumping and the body sweating Low impact exercises include marching, low intensity jacks, hops forward, squat pulses and more High impact includes sprinting, jumping jacks, exploding squat jumps and low duck walks A slow cool down unites us with deep breathing and stretches out our quads, hip flexors and low back If this short workout is all you do today, you will feel awesome with your efforts It is effective! Another option is to use this workout first thing in the morning as a fasted cardio Enjoy!

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