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Love Having A Body: Yoga Stretches

By |November 28th, 2019|

A basic and gentle yoga practice that moves slowly and with lots of breath. Will you choose loving yourself and the gift you be? Come be bathed in the deliciousness of you as we stretch the neck, shoulders, spine, low back, and hips. If you are ready to slow down and connect with you, this is your invitation to do just that.

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Down Dog Tutorial

By |November 28th, 2019|

This is an excellent tutorial whether you are brand new to yoga or if you have yet to explore all the alignment tips to activate your down dog into awesomeness! Samantha takes 30 minutes to breaking down downward facing dog pose!

There are so many treasures in this tutorial, by finding your optimal place in down dog, you will enhance almost every practice we do together, because this pose is in almost every practice. Why? Because it is an amazing pose! Find out the plethora of benefits in this session and get ready to enhance your potential in so many poses, just by refining this one!

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Seated Yoga In A Chair

By |November 28th, 2019|

There is 6 minutes of yoga goodness here that you can do at your desk, in your chair! Release tension in your neck, low back, hips and wrists with this nourishing yoga break and see how good you can feel all day long on the job!

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Wonderment Heart Opening Yoga Practice

By |November 27th, 2019|

This 58 minute yoga class starts with a short guided meditation/centering that drops our mind into spaciousness and invites us to play in a universe of wonderment.

We then play with an array of heart opening back bend poses foundationally structured from Bow Pose. The yoga poses will open your chest and thoracic spine, tone your back and even challenge your balance.

I wonder how this practice alone can open doorways into a universe of magic, peace and play for you? Other poses include thigh stretches, dancer pose, parsvakonasana, Vira III and a couple good hip openers.

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Arm Balances, Twists, Hips: Staying Spacious

By |November 27th, 2019|

This 82 min yoga practice plays with some advanced arm balances such as bakasana / crane pose, parvritta bakasana, handstands, baby cradle pose, vashistasana, titbasana and lolasana. The alignment we really focus on is shins in, thighs out to open the hips in a great sequence of standing poses, standing balancing poses such as Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana and Bird Of Paradise Pose. We finish with some lotus variations too! The beginning of class you will hear there is a huge down pour happening on our island. This class will invite you to smile into the challenge!

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Congo Song With Animal Yoga Poses

By |November 27th, 2019|

Amy Brown plays music for us from the African Congo as we explore 4 yoga poses: cat/cow, cobra, down dog, and leaping frog. Sing along with us in this playful practice geared for 3-6 year olds.
Find Amy’s new music CD, titled Lifting Consciousness, fun for the whole family, at:

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