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Lower Body: Tabata & Mindset

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 35 min workout is appropriate for all levels and focuses on the lower body Lots of lunges and squats with 2 rounds of tabata and yoga We also focus on breath, awareness and framing the mind with optimal questions to strengthen our personal growth

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Upper Body Yoga And Weights- Balancing Stress

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 85 minute practice starts with a yoga flow that includes lots of planks and some handstands to get the arms and core warmed up and ready for more Our alignment here will be pulled into working with weights too, making that portion of the class even more awesome!The weight section of class mostly intervals 30 seconds of exercise repetitively We focus on upper body but it is a full body effort as we do bring in lunges and buddha squats too There is one interval we do at a wall, planks and upside down L pose which is a killer! 🙂 Have fun!After our upper body workout with weights, which tones shoulders, triceps, biceps and chest, we work some yoga back bends to tone and strengthen the back body and upper back as well as open our chest and heart A great practice to balance stress, play in a challenging session, and end rejuvenated!

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A Well Rounded Workout And Yoga Cool Down

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 34 minute workout is perfect for the true beginner to the advanced athlete because there are great modifications offered for every exercise Stay in low impact for beginners and take the plyometric, more high impact variations if you are seasoned and want a challenge The warm up is slow and then we get moving with exercises that include: burpees, wide squats with a punch and possible plyo, mountain climbers and a nice set for the core We finish with yoga cool down

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Warm Up And Lower Body Workout

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 38 min workout uses one heavy hand weight and a resistance loop for a great lower body workout appropriate for all levels Cool down on your own with a few good stretches

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Explore Your Core

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 14 min workout is intense as we explore 8 solid minutes of core exercises that include: crunches, leg and hip lifts, low boat, side crunches, side plank, forearm plank and boat pose

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YOU Time An Invigorating Workout

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 26 min workout is appropriate for all levels and uses body weight only exercises to get your heart rate pumping, and your entire body working Exercises move in 50 second intervals with a 10 second rest and include: squats, low impact jacks, jumping jacks, shuffle runs, lunges, side lunges and burpees There is the option to take the second round with more intensity if ready A good video to combo this with is “EXPLORE YOUR CORE”

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