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Responsibility: A Heart Opening Yoga Practice

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 53 minute yoga practice is for all-levels, uses a yoga strap and focuses on heart opening yoga postures Some of the poses include bow, camel, and camel variations There are also some strong chaturanga poses played with too We start with a centered pause and end with a relaxing savasana The theme of the class invites us to be aware of what we are giving emotion too, taking loving responsibility of our lives

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Yoga And Prayer of Joy

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 34 minute yoga practice is appropriate for all levels and postures are strength building of which include: side planks, 3 legged dogs into 3 legged planks, crescent lunge sequences, warrior III, wide angel forward fold, thigh stretches, pigeon poses and more

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What Is Already Awesome: Fusion For Full Body

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 67 minute practice is mostly low impact with the exception of one exercise which can be easily modified with side lunges We begin with yoga and eventually move into a circuit of exercises to strengthen and lean out the lower body Exercises use a hand weight, a resistance loop and a slider cloth if on wood floors and a paper plate if you are on carpet Slider side lunges, buddha squats, squats with resistance loop resistance are some of the powerful exercises We also work with single leg squats / pistol squat and warrior III sequencing and cool down with more yoga to open up our bodies to finish in joy Upper body work includes push-ups, side planks, and biceps curls woven into the workout

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High Impact Tabata x3

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 43 min Tabata Protocol workout uses body weight only We start with an athletic warm up and then Tabata exercises include: 1 Double under jump ropes (with a pretend jumprope) – high impact 2 Dirty dogs -low impact shoulder 3 Setu banda exploders -high impact We finish with a yoga stretch and a short savasana Feel free to stretch your calves out more after this workout if you are not use to double unders

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Lower Body Workout And Wiggly Cardio

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This short , 19 minute workout is appropriate for beginners for the pace is slow and optimal alignment is addressed Warm up exercises include squats, lunges and single leg balancing From there we move into a Tabata Protocol (20 seconds movement / 10 second rest, 8 rounds) of sprinting in place If this is not appropriate marching in place would modify just fine From there we do some work for the calves and then some slow yoga stretching Fun, short practice to get your body activated and your heart smiling

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Responsibility: Full Body Yoga Fitness Fusion

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 74 minute video is for all levels of yoga and fitness The yoga focuses on heart openers such as bow pose, camel and camel variations as well as standing balances such as tree pose The fitness uses the fat-blasting protocol of Tabata in with 4 rounds of intensity Those exercises include: burpees, push ups, breakdancer with forearm plank and plyometric touchdowns The theme invites us to take full responsibility for our lives and our manifesting powers by being aware of what we are conceptualizing and emotionalizing in our lives

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