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An Athletic Warm Up

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 11 min practice is a perfect warm-up to a fitness class, or a great mini-session to get the blood pumping and the  circulation flowing Exercises include: repeating forward folds, boxing twist, deep wide squats, lunges with a twist, rolling straddle folds, low impact jacks, jumping jacks and more

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Sweaty Plyo And Body Weight Toning

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 34 min workout intervals 4 exercises: lateral hop touch, vita III combed with a jump lunge, star burpees and handstands at the wall Four rounds total for a sweat dripping, shoulder building, fat blasting, full body workout!

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Feel Good Restorative Yoga

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 36 min restorative yoga practice is gentle and rejuvenate with a deep invitation to connect to your innermost self and delight in the yumminess that is there Grab a blanket or a bolster and a couple of blocks Poses include a heart opening resting pose on the bolster, child’s pose, cobra poses, thigh stretch, side body stretches, hip circles and supta baddha konasana Slow down, dive deep and enjoy how delicious you be

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Mindset Meditation: Seeing The End Result And Inviting Support And Ease

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 10 minute guided meditation offers a mindset tool that you can use in all areas of your life to bring your wildest dreams to fruition with ease and support See it, feel it, bring in all the way through!

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Feel Good Yoga

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 80 min all-level yoga practice starts out very slow and builds The invitation is to let go of the roles and the agendas that are separating you from your most authentic and innermost self and to delight in how good it feels to be you We start in a restorative tempo, slow and steady and build into asanas such as crescent pose, down dog variations, plank pose, pigeon pose with a thigh stretch, standing split, gomukasana/cow face pose, garudasana/eagle pose, setu banda and full back bend Grab a couple blocks a strap and a blanket or bolster and get ready to dive into deliciousness

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More Than Good Enough 90 Minute Workout

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 90 minute practice starts with a heat building warm up that starts off with yoga and flows into cardio moves From there we go into a lateral moving, weighted cardio challenge, followed by a standing balancing yoga sequence Then in weighted squats, lunges and a variation of single leg good mornings (an exercise that tones your hamstrings) We finish with a lovely yoga stretch including runner’s stretch, parsvottanasana, standing splits, seated twists and an extended fire log pose The theme of this practice reminds us that we are more than “good enough” and that they uniqueness you be is an immeasurable gift to our world

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