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What Does Your Body Love That You Have Yet To Know

By |December 3rd, 2019|

36 minutes of fun: This fitness practice focuses mostly on the lower body which greatly enhances our bodies potential to burn fat This is a fun and uplifting session, and your inner thighs will thank you for the attention The theme is centered on letting go of beliefs about our bodies that have held us back from having tremendous fun in our bodies What does your body actually enjoy and thrive from, that you have not been listening to?You will be inspired to find out what your body actually enjoys and craves, that your mind once told you that it didn’t enjoy Get ready to blast away limiting beliefs that have been boxing you in out of existence Get ready to tap into your true power and find out what is really true for you!This video starts right into, so be ready to move once you push play This practice comes from the inspiration of one of my local students email to me one day Xochitl said, “I have gone from someone who thought they hated physical exercise to someone who raves the next work out and looks forward to sweating and being out of breath I feel like I could do anything!” Yahoo Xochitl!!What else is possible for YOU?

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Pranayama & Twists to INVIGORATE Mind & Body

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 15 minute yoga practice mostly focuses on yoga breathing and Breath of Fire / Kapalabhati Kapalabhati is not recommended for pregnant woman and can be great to cleanse and enliven our system After that tutorial and practice we move into a couple seated twists for the spine, nervous system and to move more energy through the body A simple practice that can shift your energy and leave you feeling invigorated!

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Ask, Seek, Knock!

By |December 3rd, 2019|

In this 37 minute all level fusion practice there is a little bit of yoga, yoga inversions, strength training, upper body and core focus with a sprinting tabata protocol at the end for cardio, fat blasting goodness Jesus inspires this practice, encouraging us to put our lives in ACTION! Get ready to reap amazing benefits!
Down dog, handstands (at the wall too), dolphin or pincha myurasana (forearm stand), and forearm plank are some key poses/exercises here!

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A Low Impact Hand Weight Class For Toning Entire Body 1

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 41 minute class, low impact class, is part of a 60 minute class made shorter by keeping just one set of fitness intervals instead of 2 Warm ups include a variety of squats to get us warmed up fast Then into 4 full body exercises using hand weights, done in a circuit for 3 rounds Exercises include: buddha squats with a shoulder press, wide elbow push ups with a core twist, chair at the wall with front arm raises and V-ups 
A beginner could do this entire workout without weights for an appropriate workout and there is even modifications for pregnant mamas!
 We cool down with seated yoga

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Toned Core and Shoulders And Handstands Too

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 43 minute practice uses hand weights with an upper body and core focus with the first 8 minutes of class spent in aligning to our spirit in a supine meditation Then we begin with guided dance to open the energetic body and physical body Then moving into yoga poses to open the shoulders and chest and a great core sequence to prepare for handstand intervals We work handstands at the wall with some creative sequencing to build upper body and core strength Followed yet again with some great core work with hand weights that also tone the upper body! Feel free to end in a savasana, this is the first part of a longer class but sequenced perfectly to end where it does Music with permissions from the amazing Elijah and the Band Of Light: bandoflight ning com

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Igniting Universal Support For What You Are Choosing To Create

By |December 3rd, 2019|

A short, 7 minute guided meditation Ignite the energetic sharing of universal support by declaring your vision and inviting in support

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