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Guided Deep Relaxation

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 16 minute video invites you to lay on the earth in savasana and be guided into relaxation as we scan our body with awareness, releasing tension and softening into deep peace

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Breathing Meditation- Seamless 3 Part Breath

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 16 minute guided practice is a breathing meditation, invites the body to relax and the breath to move freely, deeply and optimally Tuning into our breath mindfully will positively impact our entire lives, our energy level, or stress levels and our emotional well being This is a foundational tool for all of life This particular meditation can be done supine or seated Get ready to dissolve stress hormones and rejuvenate your every cell

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Breathing From Head To Toe Meditation

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 19 minute meditation infuses your entire body with breath You will be guided to breath in the top of your head and out through your feet, in through your feet and out through the top of your head If you are feeling contracted inside, this is a great meditation for you Open up to infinite energy, let go of tension, and reharmonize your being from inside out Enjoy the delightful pleasure of experiencing your breath in this way

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Igniting Universal Support For What You Are Choosing

By |December 3rd, 2019|

A short, 7 minute guided meditation Ignite the energetic sharing of universal support by declaring your vision and inviting in support

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Jump For Joy: Jump Rope Cardio Bliss

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 28 minute workout uses a jump rope Don’t have one, pretend This is an intense cardio workout that moves If you have to rest, rest, go slow but stay in the game We do all kind of foot work here and even incorporate the core and abs some too Ankles and calves will be toned and you will sweat as your cardio kicks into full gear A Tabata powerhouse set completes this workout with some stretches If you need more calf stretches at the end, do it

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Sensual, Fluid, Spiraling, Stretching

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 38 minute stretching practice invites sensual energy to move you in a gentle and loving way Lets explore the play of evoking an energy that is light and sensual!This yoga practice is slow, soft and sweet Undulating, spiraling, folding and opening stretches are weaved into repetitive, pulsing movements We will follow the energy of our breath, enjoy the feeling of touch, and awaken our body playfully You may even notice you walk a little differently, with energetic intention, following this flow Enjoy 38 minutes of intimacy with YOU

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