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Thigh Stretches and Balance Challenges

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 20 minute yoga practice will challenge your balance on both your hands and your feet, will open your quad muscles and stretch your hip flexors Yummmy Bakasana play is weaved in too Playing with our balance in these playful ways will additionally strengthen our core muscles too Have fun!

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Yoga For The Hamstrings And Hip Flexors

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This is a 31 minute all-level flow practice that will open the hamstrings and hip flexors The standing poses at the beginning will bring in some balance play and will additionally tone your legs and buttocks Open your body, and steep in the reminder that you are unique and that you have something special to share with the world in a way that no other human on this planet does!Beginners, grab a couple blocks

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Backbend Practice

By |December 3rd, 2019|

In this 35 minute yoga session we focus on backbends with the option to drop back and lift up at the end of practice You will leave feeling connected to your breath, with a peaceful invigorating resonance

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Grab A Partner Yoga With Inversions And Arm Balances

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 46 minute advanced practice starts with a flow that opens the hips and shoulders so that we can get right into arm balance transitions such as bakasana into chaturanga and handstands into eka pada koundinyasana II We also stack planks on top of each other which will challenge your balance and tone your upper body and core We work partnering support which is fun and challenging and even have a little bit of free time to play with handstands! A little time is spent opening our wrists too Yahoo! Fun times

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Yoga Hips, Twists, Arm Balncing & Blessings

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 85 minute yoga practice offers some more challenging variations of hip openers and arm balances such as standing baby cradle, tippy toe pose, wild pigeon variation, firefly and full lotus The woven theme invites us to remember how truly blessed we be

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Life Force Energy Yoga & Twists

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 80 minute yoga practice starts out with a prana-infusing warm up that is appropriate for all-levels and 30 minutes in length (including centering time) We circuit through 20+ yoga poses for 50 seconds each, taking a 10 second pause to feel the life force move through us Yummm From there we move into a deeper practice with core work with twisting plank poses and into twisting asanas that include: parivrtta trickonasana, parivrtta padangusthasana, parivrtta ardha chandrasana, parivrtta malasana, parivrtta bakasana and more We focus on moving alongside of the breath/life force and honor that creative, divine life force as our very essence

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