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Hollowback Handstands, Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana & Backbends

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 85 minute intermediate to advanced yoga practice leads up to 2 main focus poses (with tutorial demos): eka pada raja kapotasana (full pigeon) and urdhva danurasana (full backbend) We start by imprinting a greater knowing in our upper back and mindfully stabilizing our lower back with standing asana, cobra and up dog From there we play with hollow back handstands at the wall, move into deep thigh stretches and then into deep heart-opening backbends!Practice ends with hip openers and forward bends to balance out this full practice harmoniously!

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9 Minute Workout, One To Get Naked

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This short workout is effective for all levels because there are low impact variations for each exercises Only 9 minutes, gifting you one minute for a clothing change (Details inside the video, heehee )This practice works the entire body, has warm up and cool down and does a 10 second rest 50 second workout interval with lunges and squats and heart pumping goodness No excuses, go!

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Lets Get This Party Started

By |December 3rd, 2019|

12 minutes: A light-hearted, efficient, short and fun workout that focuses on the upper body, and the core If you have a funkadelic headband, grab it and get ready to rock! That is the only prop you will need, and it isn’t even necessary Just bring a willingness to rock and party!

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Soft Belly Hard Core Workout

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 25 minute ab workout brings in a meditative element of dropping into our energetic center that you may not have explored before, especially while working your core

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An Upper Body Workout With Weights Sitting In A Chair

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 26 minute workout is done in a chair, uses light hand weights and encourages you to make the most out of what you?ve got! Perfect for a beginner who is having a hard time being on their feet too long but ready to build upper body strength, or great for an athlete that may have a lower body injury and is still willing to get stronger where they can!We do 6 different upper body exercises that tone shoulders, triceps and biceps If you are new to using weights go light, but over time get heavier Go as heavy as you can keeping great form!

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Beginner Yoga: Class 1 in a Series of 7

By |December 3rd, 2019|

In this 60 minute beginner yoga class you are invited to “Slow Down And Plug Into YOU ” Brand new to yoga or wanting to really slow it down and refine basic alignment principles? Then this 60 minute beginner yoga class is for you Down dog, forward fold transitions, cobra, and standing stretches are infused with breath and awareness What you will learn in this class WILL carry into your entire life There is a good focus here on shoulder alignment and we finish with a yummy supine meditation/savasana where we gift ourselves with the love we usually give to others This class is the first of a series of 7 for raw beginners The series starts slow and invites you to know your body Each video in this series builds A great series for anyone wishing to know greater alignment that will translate into your entire life

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