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12 Minute Tone Up: High Impact Lower Body Tone & Power

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This short workout brings in some plyometric exercises making it a powerful workout for the lower body We complete 10 exercises including squat jumps, lunge jumps, side lunge hops and more Cool down is short with yoga stretches for lower body

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12 Minute Tabata Tricepts

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 12 min all-levels workout starts with a basic warm up that leads to the tabata set using 2 exercises to tone the back of our arms: elbow in push ups and tricep dips We finish with a short stretch and that is all that is required to get a great workout in for your tricep muscles allowing the back of your arms to feel toned and strong!

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Strong Legs & Heart Interval

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 15 minute workout gets right into it for the lower body and cardio We work a total of 10 exercises for 50 seconds and rest in between for 10 seconds Exercises include back lunges, forward kicks, plyo lunges, side lunges, skaters, snowboarder and more Your legs will be burning, your body sweating and your heart a-pumpin’ with this short and effective fat-burning workout targeted for the low body We finish with standing balancing yoga stretches and come to the floor for a thigh stretch too

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Full Body Fitness

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 23 minute interval workout infuses 2 fitness exercises in circuit: mountain climbers and burpees! These exercises build strength and burn fat effectively This workout will leave you with a voice of encouragement pulsing alive and sweetly within you! For advanced version: 2 hand weights are used for one of the exercises I am using a set of 10 and 15 lbs Intermediate: Stay in modified version of each exercise and go at your own tempo (no weights needed)

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Full Body Fitness Workout & Yoga Cool Down

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 35 minute fitness practice works your entire body! A variety of lunges and squats will tone the legs and butt, and a sprinting Tabata interval will get your heart pumping and your lungs working We finish the workout with a couple variations of push ups to strengthen the core and tone your upper body Cool down includes stretches for the entire body, leaving you with an efficient and effective practice that will energize your life

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UPPER BODY Workout With Inversions

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 24 minute workout focus is upper body We cycle through 3 exercises 4 times Dolphin to forearm plank, burpees and handstands at the wall are the exercises Build strength in the upper body, and get your heart pumping some too Go!

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