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Yoga To Clear A Tweak In Your Low Back

By |December 3rd, 2019|

In this 18 minute yoga video I instruct you through a few powerful alignment principles and a few basic yoga stretches to clear low back pain It is always best to address any aches in the low back as soon as they present themselves Staying consistent with this practice would be great preventative measures for a healthy low back too! This is a simple practice, only a few poses, but with attention on attitude, alignment and action

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A Fun, Yoga-Inspired Core Workout

By |December 3rd, 2019|

A 15 minute ab workout that comes from the inspiration of yoga poses Many variations of planks here!

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15 Minutes Of Yoga

By |December 3rd, 2019|

Yay! You made the time today for a short and sweet yoga practice! We will do 14 yoga exercises, timed out for one minute each and they include standing poses, down dog and baby back bend Strengthen your legs and open your body as you steep in gratitude that you made this time for your body today! Way to go!

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A Seated Yoga Practice

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 22 minute practice is all done close to the ground It is slow and the intention is simply taking care of ourselves Seated postures are actually more advanced than standing poses because it is more challenging to get optimal alignment in the low back because the hips are so steady So although this practice is slow and very grounding, it requires your willingness to move with skill and attention making it an all-levels practice that is gentle

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Life Force Energy Yoga

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 30 minute all levels yoga practice is a yummy bathing of life force energy We circuit through yoga poses for 50 seconds and take a pause to feel the energy in the body before moving onto the next pose/string of pulsing poses This practice was designed with poses that enhance prana in the body, and it is palpable We use breathing exercises as well as poses such as: parivrtta utkatasana (twisting chair), thigh stretch on belly, pulsing cobra pose, down dog walkers, straddle forward fold, energetic standing twists and more This practice will leave your body feeling amazing, like you are sparkling inside

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Yoga To Make Your Arms And Core Strong & Body Flexible

By |December 3rd, 2019|

This 28 minute practice is the beginning of a 90 minute class and is perfectly sequenced to do all by itself There is instruction for all levels, and we are weight bearing on our wrists quite a bit in planks and side planks so if you need to lighten that load, listen for the modifications and use them Other poses include: reptile planks, handstand play, cobras, ardha chandrasana, upright crescent, supine twists This leads to that” is a theme that will inspire you with energy in any area of your life you may be feeling frustrated with where you are at right now

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