Intro Into Tabata For Vitality And Fat Blasting
This 24 minute HIIT workout is for beginners Come experience the joy of high intensity interval training and learn the amazing benefits of working out like this Get ready to sweat and move that body This workout is short AND effective at burning fat and creating vitality in your well-being
Sweaty Tabata-haha With Toning and Yoga Stretch
This 53 minute HIIT and toning workout rocks out 4 tabata protocol rounds and teaches about the immense benefits of training this way We then move our sweaty bodies to the floor for some toning work for butt, abs, muffin tops and hamstrings, followed by yoga stretches to cool down
A Low-Impact Slider Workout Targeting Butt & Belly
This 51 minute workout uses sliders (paper plates if you have carpeting at home, or a slippery washcloth if you have wood floors) to target the quads, hammies and that boo-tay! We also train our entire core and we have some laughs doing it! FYI: I say we are using a resistance loop at the beginning of the video, but we only use sliders The theme is about really looking into our beliefs or our theories and debunking them! Oh, this is a good class and your booties gonna thank you too
Sculpting Our Legs And Butt With Weights And Encouraging The Burn To Transform
This workout 56 minute lower body workout starts with a 8 minute meditation that opens up our perspective to face a challenge with greater potential to allow that challenge to serve our highest good From there we warm up with some work to tone the butt and core with some yoga stretches The next segment of class we use hand weights and circuit variations of squats with pulsing challenges too Keeping the cardio in action we keep moving at a nice pace moving into diagonal lunges and pulsing split squats with a twist to really target our back sides Finally we flow into a cardio interval of 30 seconds of a fast twitching lunge sequence with 30 seconds of slow and weighted split squats The final cardio interval includes speed skaters and forearm planks but don’t worry, we are smiling all the way to the end!Yoga stretches stretch us out Thigh stretches, hip openers and a frog stretch for the inner thighs too
Are You Celebrating With All Your Being?
This 72 minute lower body workout get the heart pumping with lots of squat variations, lunge variations and even balance challenging butt toning exercises Additionally we use a resistance loop to tone the hamstrings, butt and outer hips and thighs If you are not into having yourself challenged on a deep energetic level this video is NOT for you If you are open to exploring next level celebration and joy, welcome I am only asking one thing of you NO HOLDING BACK! P S There is lots of ass shaking happening and adult language too Rock this!
Twisting, Releasing, Twisting, Releasing
This 45 minute yoga practice brings in a lot of twisting with time to unwind after coming out of each twist This gifts the inner body great release Poses include: seated twist, kundalini twist, twisted down dog, twisting lunges, twisting planks, malasana, twisted squat, twisting tree and a supine twist too