

Seated Yoga In A Chair

Categories: 5-20 Minutes, Beginner Yoga, Chair, Equipment, Hips, Lower Back, Neck, Seated, Wrists, Yoga, Yoga Style|

There is 6 minutes of yoga goodness here that you can do at your desk, in your chair! Release tension in your neck, low back, hips and wrists with this nourishing yoga break and see how good you can feel all day long on the job!

Inside & Outside A Basic Yoga Stretch

Categories: 5-20 Minutes, All Levels Yoga, Equipment, Hamstrings, Hip Openers, Hips, No Equipment, Psoas, Spine, Yoga, Yoga Style|

This 14 min yoga stretch is appropriate for all levels Poses include cat cow, anjaneasana, runners stretch, wide kneeling lunge, thigh stretches, supine hip opener and savasana The intention inspires an inner refinement to impact our outer world

Inner Groin & Hamstring Stretches: Seated Yoga Poses

Categories: 5-20 Minutes, All Levels Yoga, Forward Bends, Hamstrings, Hip Openers, Hips, Seated, Yoga, Yoga Blanket, Yoga Block, Yoga Style|

This 13 minute stretch session uses all seated yoga poses to stretch out our inner thighs, inner groins and hamstring muscles Poses include wide angle forward fold variations, janu sirsasana variations and paschimottanasana Grab a couple blocks and a folded blanket if you are tight Time to stretch it out

A Bootie, Belly and Yoga Quickie

Categories: 20-35 Minutes, Abs, All Levels Yoga, All-Levels Fitness Fusion, Buttock, Core, Fitness, Hamstrings, Quadriceps, Yoga, Yoga Block, Yoga Fusion|

This 30 minute workout gets us right into it After a quickie yoga warm up we move into work on all 4s to tone our butt and belly, then to more abs such as side crunches, forearm planks, leg lifts and scissors Tone those zones that love the extra attention, then stretch it all out with supine yoga stretches We use a yoga block for a restorative pose  

Pleasure and Sensuality In Simple Activities

Categories: 50-65 Minutes, Abs, All-Levels Fitness Fusion, Arms, booty band, Buttock, Calves, Cardio, Fitness, Fitness Style, Full Body Workout, Hamstrings, Legs|

This 64 minute practices uses a resistance loop and intervals 20 seconds of exercise with 10 seconds of rest This is a full body workout that invites us to release and find delight in simple things Get ready to be turned on and tuned into you! Exercises include forearm planks, resistance loop side walks, jumping jacks and star jumps, forward fold repeaters, giggle wiggles, plyo push-ups and more

Choices & Consequences Backbends and forward bends

Categories: 50-65 Minutes, All Levels Yoga, Back Bends, Hamstrings, Lower Back, Shoulders, Spine, Yoga, Yoga Blanket, Yoga Block, Yoga Style|

This 63 minute yoga practice uses a rolled blanket/towel or an extra yoga mat and one yoga block Poses include: scorpio down dog, crescent pose, heart opening crescent, bow  pose, ardha chandra chapasana, dolphin pose, urdhva danurasana at the wall and wide angle forward fold variations Great for someone wanting to work into full back bends

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