

Goals, Dreams, Fear, Full Body Workout

Categories: Abs, Arms, Buttock, Cardio, Equipment, Fitness Style, Full Body Workout, Hand Weights, Heart, Legs, Low Impact, Quadriceps, Shoulders, Yoga Fusion|

This 73 minute workout is appropriate for all levels but take the rest you need We use a set of hand weights and move into 3 sets of 5 minute, as many reps as possible, exercise combos The combos include: renegade rows and squats, burpees and weighted sit ups, bridge kicks and push press We finish with a yummy yoga cool down and a lovely savasana

Handstands, Bicep And Tricep Home Workout

Categories: 35-50 Minutes, All-Levels Fitness Fusion, Arm Balancing, Arms, Core, Equipment, Fitness, Fitness Style, Hand Weights, Inversions, Low Impact, Shoulders, Upper Body Workout, Yoga Style|

This 40 minute workout uses hand weights and targets the arms We start with a tapping session and bring in a silly, playful vibe and warm up with some yoga stretches and handstand play (at wall too), before we work the bis and tris to exhaustion Exercises include bicep curls with a wide squat, prison curls with a split squat, supine triceps extensions and some ab work

Back Body Yoga Practice

Categories: 50-65 Minutes, All Levels Yoga, Back Bends, Chest, Forward Bends, Hamstrings, Hip Openers, Hips, Shoulders, Spine, Thighs, Upper Back, Yoga, Yoga Block, Yoga Strap, Yoga Style|

This 60 min yoga practice is an all-level class Grab a strap and a couple blocks We start out soft and slow bringing breath and awareness into the back body This class will open you to an entire new world of support and spaciousness if you have not been considering your kidney and adrenal zones of your back body Poses include: seated stretches to open, anjaneasana, runner’s stretch, parsvottanasana, down dog variations, parvritta parsvakonasana, thigh stretches, pigeon, bow pose and working towards full eka pada rajakapotasana / one leg king pigeon pose with a strap You are supported and held, we will open to that support, ask for that support to come in and we will express our unique individual selves from this space today Yay!

Upper Back, Shoulder, Neck, Forearm & Wrist Stretches

Categories: Arms, Back Bends, Neck, Potpourri Practice, Shoulders, Upper Back, Wrists, Yoga Strap, Yoga Style|

This 32 min stretching session is appropriate for all levels The tempo is slow and yummy with focus on the breath to relax tension and release into greater spaciousness We use a yoga strap for a few stretches and some of the yoga poses include: Gomukasana arms, garudasana arms, sphinx pose, puppy dog pose, dolphin pose, prasarita padottanasana, twisted child pose and more

Reverence Energy

Categories: 65+ Minutes, All Levels Yoga, Back Bends, Balance, Chest, Equipment, Hamstrings, Hip Openers, Hips, Inversions, No Equipment, Psoas, Quadriceps, Shoulders, Spine, Standing, Upper Back, Yoga, Yoga Style|

This 73 minute yoga practice blends some heart openers, thigh stretches, inversions and hip flexor stretches to offer an expansive experience Poses include: ardha chandra, ardha chandra chopasana, bow pose, dolphin and variations of dolphin, handstand play at the wall, and hanumanasana

DECIDE! Choose What YOU Want And Let The Universe Reveal the HOW: Yoga Fusion

Categories: 50-65 Minutes, Abs, All Levels Yoga, All-Levels Fitness Fusion, Arms, Buttock, Calves, Fitness, Full Body Workout, Hamstrings, Hips, Legs, Low Impact, Lower Back, Quadriceps, Shoulders, Step/stool, Thighs, Upper Back, Yoga, Yoga Fusion, Yoga Style|

This 57 minute practice is appropriate for all levels If the stool work is too challenging, do it on the floor without a stool We start with a yoga flow, connecting to what it is we want to manifest What are your dreams? What is your vision? Poses include: crescent, twisting lunge, parsvottanasana, twisted triangle and a powerful side plank sequence that lead up to full vashistasana From there we do a standing strength building set that includes Bulgarian Squats and variations as well as tree pose to find center We finish on the floor with work for the abs and bootie, and finish supine with some hip and low back opening stretches

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