

Whopper Core Set Into A Short Tapping Savasana

Categories: 20-35 Minutes, Abs, All Levels Yoga, All-Levels Fitness Fusion, Core, Equipment, Fitness, Fitness Style, Hip Openers, No Equipment, Psoas, Yoga, Yoga Fusion, Yoga Style|

This 22 minutes starts right out with a solid and intense 8 minute ab set There are some unique and fun exercises here for every ab muscle in your torso, and your abs will be burning! From the whopper ab set we work the back muscles to balance the front We finish with some yoga stretches such as pigeon variations, wild thang down dogs, supta baddha konasana and savasana Some tapping adds a great loving bonus to this workout!

“I Love You Body” Meditation

Categories: Meditation, Yoga Style|

This 20 minute meditation invites you to rest supine and drench your body with love from inside out, and from the tips of your toes to your crown

Not Promised Tomorrow Yoga Flow

Categories: 5-20 Minutes, All Levels Yoga, Equipment, Hamstrings, Hips, No Equipment, Potpourri Practice, Psoas, Shoulders, Spine, Upper Back, Yoga, Yoga Style|

This 12 min yoga practice flows with poses including: crescent variations, pigeon variations, cobra variations, down dog variations and ends with a seated finish that encourages us to live NOW

A Yoga Practice That’s Alive: Hip Flexors, Glutes, Thigh Stretches

Categories: 50-65 Minutes, All Levels Yoga, Buttock, Forward Bends, Hamstrings, Hip Openers, Hips, Psoas, Thighs, Yoga, Yoga Blanket, Yoga Block, Yoga Style|

This 54 min all level yoga practice focuses on the hips, quads, hamstrings and spine Postures include: reverse warrior, parsvakonasana, parsvottasana, twisted triangle, tree pose, anjaneasana, pigeon variations, hanumanasana (splits) and a deep quad stretch at the wall Grab yoga blocks and a thick blanket/towel

Tone The Waistline & Muffin Tops With Yoga Stretch

Categories: 20-35 Minutes, Abs, All Levels Yoga, All-Levels Fitness Fusion, Core, Equipment, Fitness, Fitness Style, Low Impact, No Equipment, Spine, Yoga, Yoga Fusion|

This 21 minute workout focuses on the waistline with standing hinges and the muffin tops with back kicks We finish with a little yoga flow A nice blend of core work and yoga

Quickie Tone Up

Categories: 5-20 Minutes, Abs, All-Levels Fitness Fusion, Buttock, Butts & Guts, Core, Equipment, Fitness, Fitness Style, Hamstrings, Low Impact, No Equipment, Shoulders|

This 13 min workout works shoulders, abs and butt with exercises that tone such as down dog plank variations, one leg hip thrusters, forearm plank, bicycles, flutters and twists

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