Anchoring Intention & Presence With A Hip Opening & Balance Challenging Yoga Flow
This 60 minute grounding and centering,
all-levels yoga practice starts with inquiry and meditation around
living in the present moment because that is where the richness and
miracles of life await us
Balancing yoga poses include: standing pointy butt, garudasana/eagle pose, ardha chandrasana/ half moon pose
Hip Opening yoga poses include the above as well as: one leg pointy
butt down dogs, crescent pose, modified parsvakonasana, pigeon pose,
wide kneeling lunge with the possibility for advanced yogis to flow into
eka pada koundinyasana variation, thigh stretch and happy baby pose
Plugged In & Lit Up Tabata Workout
This 26 min workout is no joke because we pack in both strength training (using only body weight) and cardio to bring a fat blasting and toning workout all in one! It is time efficient and super effective because we are using Tabata Protocol three times!
First Tabata round is with push-ups for chest, bi and triceps Second round of Tabata brings in the lower body burn with plyometric squat jumps for butt, quads and hamstrings This will have your cardio maxed, go big! Third set is for the abs with forearm plank work The message here is to unplug from the world of excuses that keep us small and plug IN to the highest version of YOU!
Butt & Outer Hip Burner With A Love Note
This 43 minute class starts with a love letter invitation (7 min meditation) to ourselves as we center into a workout that will tone your gluteus and burn fat off those outer hips Grab a resistance loop only for this segment of the full 60 minute workout There is a standing segment, laying on our side segment and we finish with complimentary yoga stretches to open the hips This is a low impact class, no jumping, but we do get moving with lots of squats, great resistance, and your bootie will be burning! See “Core Power With Towels & Yoga Blocks”, a 26 minute all-level fitness video for a the core segment that went with this very class
Entire Body Workout With Hand Weights
This 52 min class works the entire body We warm up with breath and some basic stretches, followed by weight training The first interval is 3 sets of man makers and standing choppers The second circuit uses: curtsey squats with bicep curls, vira III with bicep curls, and boat pose with a shoulder press combo The third interval uses: buddha squats or plyo jumps and a supine cross punch 
Cool down includes breath and stretches This is a great workout!
Towel Workout And Hand Weights
This 64 minute full body workout warms up with yoga stretches and moves into exercises that use hand towels, wash cloths, sliders or even paper plates to make sliding actions with exercises like: lunges, buddha squats, mountain climbers and even plank to press ups So the necessary floor for this one is a wooden floor, not carpet 
We finish with weights for upper body and even throw in a Tabata Protocol of sprints Congratulations, you made time for you today YOU are designing your life!
Butts & Guts Class 1: Thighs/Hips, Butt and Hamstring Toning
This 61 minute class targets the glute, hamstrings, outer hips wonderfully We use a resistance loop, the class is low impact, but there was grunting and groaning happening Don’t worry, there was some good belly laughing happening in this class too We start with squats for warm up, and move into standing band work We weave in some creative work on our hands and feet which activates the core too 
These is a powerhouse set on all 4s that will have your bootie burning Finishing with some basic abs and a good yoga stretch The theme is self-acceptance