All-Levels Yoga
Spirit With A Body A Short Heart-Opening Yoga Session
This 26 minute yoga practice invites us to move in the knowing that we are a soul with a body! This is the first part of a fusion practice, so if you’d like to finish a little longer in a savasana, do it!This is a yummy and playful practice and some of the poses include: down down chataranga flow, down dog scorpio, bow pose variations, bakasana and one leg chatarangas
Yoga Session: Honoring You
This 35 minute practice is the end of a weight class and works perfectly as a short yoga session on it’s own The tempo is slow and we work on refining our low back alignment and how to articulate with our finger tips to find more space in the back on poses like standing splits, parsvottanasana and seated poses! The focus is on the hamstrings, inner thighs and the glutes Other yoga poses include: runner’s stretch, balancing thigh stretch, seated twists, frog and seated hip openers such as gomukasana and fire log pose We end in a soothing savasana
Peace Inside. Peace Outside.
This 56 minute yoga practice has a little bit of everything Some back bending, twisting, hip openers, balancing and forward folding too A great potpourri class that will leave you feeling taken care of from inside out Some poses include: twisting lunge, parsvakonasana, bound parsvakonasana, bird of paradise, bow pose, janu sirsasana, marichyasana, seated baby cradle and boat pose You may want a yoga strap for the binding poses We only use yoga blocks for seated meditation at beginning
Yoga Fusion For A Strong Body Refining The Energy State You Live From
Yoga Fusion (some challenging exercises but a moderate tempo) 68 minutes Grab 2 sliders (slippery cloths for wooden floors and paper plates or hard covered books for carpets) and a couple of yoga blocks for this strength building yoga practice that tunes us into our energy of choice Yes! Warm up (15 minutes) with yoga flow Intervals (20 minutes): a powerful vinyasa for upper body strength sequence with seated bird arms (visualization exercising too), 3 leg plank into 3 leg lunge, forward fold repeaters, squats, handstand play or one leg down dog Slider Work For Abs (7 minutes) Standing Balance (2 min bonus): Vira 3, standing lunge, kick Cardio Kick (4 minutes): jumping lunge, touchdowns and hinges on knees Cool Down with yoga stretches
Life Is Short Dream Big Yoga Practice
This 75 min yoga practice tones the buns and works the core Standing balancing poses such as tree, Vira 3, standing splits, twisted ardha chandrasa and dancer pose tone the butt and legs while plank and side plank variations work the entire core Other poses include cobra, dolphin pose, supine pigeon and more The theme reminds us of how precious life is, to dream big, and to become the version of yourself required to be that person that can make those dreams reality
DECIDE! Choose What YOU Want And Let The Universe Reveal the HOW: Yoga Fusion
This 57 minute practice is appropriate for all levels If the stool work is too challenging, do it on the floor without a stool We start with a yoga flow, connecting to what it is we want to manifest What are your dreams? What is your vision? Poses include: crescent, twisting lunge, parsvottanasana, twisted triangle and a powerful side plank sequence that lead up to full vashistasana From there we do a standing strength building set that includes Bulgarian Squats and variations as well as tree pose to find center We finish on the floor with work for the abs and bootie, and finish supine with some hip and low back opening stretches
Reverence Energy
This 73 minute yoga practice blends some heart openers, thigh stretches, inversions and hip flexor stretches to offer an expansive experience Poses include: ardha chandra, ardha chandra chopasana, bow pose, dolphin and variations of dolphin, handstand play at the wall, and hanumanasana
Back Body Yoga Practice
This 60 min yoga practice is an all-level class Grab a strap and a couple blocks We start out soft and slow bringing breath and awareness into the back body This class will open you to an entire new world of support and spaciousness if you have not been considering your kidney and adrenal zones of your back body Poses include: seated stretches to open, anjaneasana, runner’s stretch, parsvottanasana, down dog variations, parvritta parsvakonasana, thigh stretches, pigeon, bow pose and working towards full eka pada rajakapotasana / one leg king pigeon pose with a strap You are supported and held, we will open to that support, ask for that support to come in and we will express our unique individual selves from this space today Yay!
Beyond Calories: Yoga
This 61 minute all level yoga practice opens with a quick share that invites you to really feel into the reason you are engaging in yoga or a fitness lifestyle This practice invites us to go beyond old belief systems and expand into something much more loving and pleasurable Standing poses, standing balancing poses, hip openers, thigh stretches and more make this a powerful and awesome well rounded practice
Spread Yourself Open A Yummy Yoga Practice
This 72 min yoga practice starts with a couple restorative postures, supra baddha konasana and supported child’s pose Grab a blanket and 2 blocks From there we move into work on all 4s and then to seated poses such as twists, neck rolls, repeater arm raises, circles We flow through some standing postures to open the hips and shoulders and finish seated and supine again with poses such as upavista konasana /wide angle forward fold, janu sirsasana and more We finish with a yummy savasana that will leave you feeling spacious and free
Some People Feel The Rain: Yoga
This 59 min yoga practice is appropriate for all levels Grab 2 blocks and a strap We start on the floor and work out way into a strong standing sequence before finishing supine with some powerful thigh stretches Poses include: cat/cow, childs pose/cobra, supine hamstring stretches, forward folds/clasped hands, setu banda, windshield wiper, reverse warrior, parsvakonasana, bound parsva, vita III, ardha supine virasana variations
Yoga Fusion: Core And Inner Thighs, Connected To True Power
This 25 minute workout starts with a few minutes of yoga flow and then moves right into floor work for a strong core and toned inner thighs From there we stretch the belly, quads and hip flexors and move into a short savasana that will leave you centered and connected to your true power
Yoga Warm Up, Abs, Yoga Cool Down
This 34 min practice infuses yoga flow with some rocking and unique ab exercises Some ab exercises include: creative side plank variations, V-up variations, bicycle variations, rope pull sit ups and lolasana variations We engage all the abs here! Yoga cool down includes: down dog variations, twisting lunge variations, cobra poses, pigeon variations and more
Goals, Dreams, Fear, Yoga Practice
This 48 minute yoga practice is appropriate for all levels and we use body weigh only Starting with some basic yoga and core work with plank variations to warm us up Moving into a slightly more active yoga sequencing and some time to connect inward Poses include: twisted lunge, pigeons, inside down table top pose, seated neck rolls, runner’s stretch, and anjaneasana Finishing with a 10 minute savasana for deep nourishment and integration
Dynamic Standing Yoga Into Loving Hip Openers
This 32 minute all-levels yoga flow starts out with a grounding center time and then moves into some simple yet powerful standing pose sequences to get the legs burning We wind down with some thigh and hip openers and a nice savasana with a theme of showing up in love
Responsibility: A Heart Opening Yoga Practice
This 53 minute yoga practice is for all-levels, uses a yoga strap and focuses on heart opening yoga postures Some of the poses include bow, camel, and camel variations There are also some strong chaturanga poses played with too We start with a centered pause and end with a relaxing savasana The theme of the class invites us to be aware of what we are giving emotion too, taking loving responsibility of our lives
Responsibility: Full Body Yoga Fitness Fusion
This 74 minute video is for all levels of yoga and fitness The yoga focuses on heart openers such as bow pose, camel and camel variations as well as standing balances such as tree pose The fitness uses the fat-blasting protocol of Tabata in with 4 rounds of intensity Those exercises include: burpees, push ups, breakdancer with forearm plank and plyometric touchdowns The theme invites us to take full responsibility for our lives and our manifesting powers by being aware of what we are conceptualizing and emotionalizing in our lives
Core, Stretch, Hooponopono
This 32 minute fusion video starts right away with a solid set of abs and flows into stretches before finishing with ho’oponopono meditation
Guest House Yoga Stretch
This 32 min hip-opening yoga practice is appropriate for all levels A variety of forward folds and pigeon stretches makes this a gentle but deep practice to open the quads, hip flexors, hamstrings and glutes We finish in a nice savasana
Lengthening Hamstrings
This 32 minute, all levels yoga practice uses blocks and a strap and the focus is on the back of the legs If you are feeling tight in your hamstrings and ready for the optimal stretches to make you flexible here you go Tap into the alignment principles I share here, they will unlock your tight hammies and set you free
Gratitude Muscle
This 54 min workout encourages us to stay in high intensity mode for 24 consistent minutes (resting only when needed), making this an advanced workout After a warm-up we move into 90 second intervals with these 4 exercises: burpees, push press with dumbbells, elbow in push ups into side plank, hands over head weighted sit ups We cycle through 4 total rounds! Immediately following we move into yoga stretch cool down that includes small and big back bends, thigh stretches and hip openers This workout not only builds strength in our bodies, but tones our gratitude muscle too
Yoga To Open Your Psoas, Front And Side Bodies
This 34 min yoga practice is appropriate for all levels and is an excellent compliment to your curriculum if you have been training with lots of flexion in your hips lately (squats, sprints, biking, high knee jump roping, etc) Yoga poses will stretch the side bodies, hip flexors, quads and more Yoga stretches include: parsvakonasana, parvrita parsvakonasana, side plank, camel pose, thigh stretches, wide angle seated poses such as janu sirsasana and more
Fullness Of You Seated Yoga
This 36 min yoga class is a feel good yoga practice appropriate for all levels An entire session uses seated yoga postures that anchors us into our fullness and invites us to express ourselves from our innermost self with undulating and pulsing rhythms Poses include forward folding, twisting, later flexion of the spine, neck stretches, seated cat cows, arm raises and more Yoga blocks may be nice to use with this practice but not necessary
Feel Good Yoga
This 80 min all-level yoga practice starts out very slow and builds The invitation is to let go of the roles and the agendas that are separating you from your most authentic and innermost self and to delight in how good it feels to be you We start in a restorative tempo, slow and steady and build into asanas such as crescent pose, down dog variations, plank pose, pigeon pose with a thigh stretch, standing split, gomukasana/cow face pose, garudasana/eagle pose, setu banda and full back bend Grab a couple blocks a strap and a blanket or bolster and get ready to dive into deliciousness
A Bootie, Belly and Yoga Quickie
This 30 minute workout gets us right into it After a quickie yoga warm up we move into work on all 4s to tone our butt and belly, then to more abs such as side crunches, forearm planks, leg lifts and scissors Tone those zones that love the extra attention, then stretch it all out with supine yoga stretches We use a yoga block for a restorative pose