Lengthening Hamstrings
This 32 minute, all levels yoga practice uses blocks and a strap and the focus is on the back of the legs If you are feeling tight in your hamstrings and ready for the optimal stretches to make you flexible here you go Tap into the alignment principles I share here, they will unlock your tight hammies and set you free
Full Body Workout With Mindset Tools
This 41 minute workout is full body and appropriate for all levels although will be challenging for a raw beginner Exercises include: lunges, some handstand prep and handstand play, tabata mountain climbers and forearm planks, push ups, side plank variations, and yoga stretches You will be inspired with tools to shift your mindset and put your life into a posture of greater possibilities
I Am Capable I Am Deserving (shorter version)
This 47 min workout is appropriate for all levels and offers low impact variations (beginners listen up for those and stay with those variations throughout) for all 4 exercises we work 50 second intervals, 10 second rest, 3 rounds Exercises include sprints, push ups into side plank, jumping jacks, forearm plank into dolphin pose To finish us off we stretch and melt into a savasana that taps us into our inner power The theme is wrapped around a personal story and breakthrough that invites you to stop pointing blame and to start taking full responsibility for your life POWERFUL!
Guest House Yoga Stretch
This 32 min hip-opening yoga practice is appropriate for all levels A variety of forward folds and pigeon stretches makes this a gentle but deep practice to open the quads, hip flexors, hamstrings and glutes We finish in a nice savasana
Held In Love, A Full Body Toning Class
This 41 minute workout uses hand weights and tones the entire body Exercises include lunges with shoulder raises, wide squats with biceps curls, standing tricep extensions, choppers and more Some of the exercises may challenge your balance The intention of the class is to hold ourselves in love, tapping into a new strength and power
Yoga Fusion With Toning Exercises
This 35 min fusion starts with yoga, works to the floor for butt, inner thigh and ab toning and finishes again with a nice stretch Hand weights optional for floor toning work Exercises include: crescent, plank, slow mountain climbers, dolphin pose, ab work, thrusters, side plank crunchers and more