

Warm Up, Hard Core, Cool Down

Categories: 20-35 Minutes, Abs, All-Levels Fitness Fusion, Arms, Core, Duration, Equipment, Fitness, Fitness Style, No Equipment, Shoulders, Upper Body Workout|

This 23 min workout starts with an athletic warm up, moves into a solid 8 minute interval set for the abs with lots of plank variations such as plank climbers, side plank twisting crunchers, forearm plank and criss cross through planks We also work the back body to balance the core work and there is some upper body strengthening happening in here too

The Miracle Inside Yoga Poses To Open Upper Body

Categories: 50-65 Minutes, All Levels Yoga, Arms, Chest, Heart, Neck, Potpourri Practice, Shoulders, Spine, Upper Back, Yoga, Yoga Block, Yoga Strap, Yoga Style|

This 54 min class uses a block and a strap and is appropriate for all levels We are guided inward, connecting to the miracle that is always inside, and we are encouraged to express ourselves from this place in all we do Yoga poses include: twisted child’s pose, clasped forward folds, garudasana, gomukasana arms, parsvakonasana, reverse warrior, side angle stretch with a focus on the neck, dolphin pose, thigh stretches, setu banda variations, windshield wiper and savasana

Motivated & Encouraged: HIIT Workout & Full Body Toning

Categories: 50-65 Minutes, Abs, All-Levels Fitness Fusion, Arms, Buttock, Calves, Cardio, Fitness, Full Body Workout, Hamstrings, Heart, High Impact, HIIT, Legs, Quadriceps, Shoulders, Thighs, Upper Back, Yoga Block|

This 63 min workout pulses between a plyometric exercise for 30 seconds (low impact variations are offered) with a strength building exercise for 30 seconds, 3 rounds We circuit through 5 different duets like this and the exercises include: jump rope (no rope needed) and wide squat holds, burpees and planche holds, maniac shuffles and super woman, skaters and low curtsey squats, mountain climbers and dolphin pose From there we rock a hard core ab set that will tone your entire core and we finish with yoga stretches

Handstands, Burpees and Thrusters Oh My!

Categories: 50-65 Minutes, Abs, All-Levels Fitness Fusion, Arms, Buttock, Cardio, Circuit, Equipment, Fitness, Fitness Style, Full Body Workout, Hamstrings, Heart, HIIT, Legs, No Equipment, Quadriceps, Shoulders, Thighs, Upper Back, Yoga Fusion|

This 60 min workout uses body weight only and intervals a few exercises in one minute intervals, for a sweaty and full body toning workout Although it is an intense work I do give some time for tapping into “allowing energy” and restore in between rounds too You do need wall space for one minute handstand holds, so make that space and lets rock! 

White Light Meditation And Inspirations From Ryan Moody

Categories: Equipment, Meditation, No Equipment, Yoga Style|

Ryan Moody, 2 time world record holder in box jump, inspired this group coaching call guided meditation I begin with a couple ways in which Ryan Moody inspired me at a Cross Fit WOD he led a few weeks back here on Kauai, and then flow into a “White Light Meditation” to drench the body in an experiential tool we can use to shift frozen fear into inspired action and doubt into clarity Find out more about Ryan Moody here: http://www thexwod com/

Inner Thighs Back And Apart, Torso Long And Lengthened

Categories: 50-65 Minutes, All Levels Yoga, Forward Bends, Forward Bends, Hamstrings, Hip Openers, Hip Openers, Hips, Lower Back, Yoga, Yoga Blanket, Yoga Block, Yoga Style|

This 62 min all level yoga practice uses 2 blocks, one strap and one yoga blanket We explore creating space in the hamstrings and pelvis with big inner spiral, and space in the spine and torso with buoyant extension Yumm Poses include: forward folds, standing splits, wide lunges, malasana, eka pada coindinyasana variation, fire log pose, wide angle forward fold, runners stretch, twisted triangle, supine hamstring stretches and legs up the wall pose

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