

Beginner Yoga #3 of a 7 Week Series = Miraculous You

Categories: Arms, Buttock, Calves, Feet, Forward Bends, Hamstrings, Hip Openers, Hips, Knees, Legs, Lower Back, Psoas, Quadriceps, Spine, Standing, Thighs, Yoga Block, Yoga Style|

This 62 minute beginner yoga class opens with a breath awareness meditation There is a focus on opening the lower body and learning how the legs govern what happens in the low back and hips A good practice to open your low back! We finish with a lovely guided savasana that brings awareness into the miracle that your body truly is

Beginner Yoga 7 Of A Series Of 7: Harmonize

Categories: Abs, Ankles, Arms, Buttock, Calves, Chest, Eyes, Feet, Forward Bends, Hamstrings, Hands, Head, Heart, Hip Openers, Hips, IT Band, Knees, Legs, Lower Back, Neck, Psoas, Quadriceps, Shoulders, Spine, Stomach, Thighs, Twists, Upper Back, Wrists, Yoga Block, Yoga Style|

This 71 minute beginner yoga class is moving towards a more intermediate level practice (class 7 in a series, so you are prepared to pick it up!) with a standing split sequence In this class we focus on hips, forward bends and some twist with an emphasis on getting to know our hamstrings better Some meditation time is spent as well as we harmonize to the frequency of love

Slow Yoga: Awareness and Space

Categories: Forward Bends, Hamstrings, Hips, Lower Back, Yoga Block, Yoga Style, Yoga Therapy|

This 61 minute yoga class focuses on creating space in the body and lower back Grab 2 blocks and get ready to explore that body of yours with your awareness Poses include down dog, ardha uttanasana / half forward fold, parsvottanasana at the wall, parsvottasana with blocks, runner’s stretches, twisting lunges, pigeon poses

All-Levels Yoga With Restorative Yoga

Categories: Abs, Ankles, Arms, Buttock, Calves, Chest, Equipment, Feet, Hamstrings, Hands, Head, Heart, Hips, Knees, Legs, Lower Back, Neck, No Equipment, Potpourri Practice, Psoas, Quadriceps, Shoulders, Spine, Stomach, Thighs, Upper Back, Wrists, Yoga Blanket, Yoga Block, Yoga Style|

This 70 min yoga practice has a yogini to demo each level of experience! So regardless if you are a raw beginner, intermediate or advanced you will have someone to lead you visually We explore: standing poses, standing balancing, arm balances, backbends and hip openers! We even finish with 2 restorative poses, because every one benefits from those This is a great practice for every level to see other possibilities, modifications or more challenging ways, to work different asanas Grab 2 blocks and a blanket to be used for beginners and in restoratives at the end for all

Tabata, Bootie, Stretch: Empowered Life

Categories: Abs, Arms, Buttock, Cardio, Equipment, Fitness Style, Full Body Workout, Heart, Legs, No Equipment|

This 52 min workout has instruction to keep the entire workout in low impact with a couple high impact options We warm up with some upper body boxing moves and then into 3 different Tabata Protocol intervals to get heart pumping and upper body contributing Exercises include: shuffle with upper cut, crab kicks, mountain climbers and low impact or high impact jumping jack, burpee and toe tap down dog The next segment of class is butt toning exercises done laying on our side and belly The third part of class is simple yoga stretching to compliment our fat burning and toning workout wonderfully

Yoga Basics Focus On Strength and Extension: Class 6/7

Categories: Abs, Ankles, Arms, Buttock, Calves, Chest, Equipment, Feet, Forward Bends, Hamstrings, Hands, Head, Heart, Hip Openers, Hips, Knees, Legs, Lower Back, Neck, No Equipment, Psoas, Quadriceps, Shoulders, Spine, Standing, Stomach, Thighs, Twists, Upper Back, Yoga Style|

This 68 minute beginner yoga practice focuses on breathing, muscular energy and organic extension in a variety of poses including: lunges, twists, vira II, modified wide side angle stretch, thigh stretch, seated twist and a supine hip opener

A steady moving class with attention to alignment detail and at the same time a consistent reminder that you are supported by all the universe, just breathe

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