Spirit With A Body A Short Heart-Opening Yoga Session
This 26 minute yoga practice invites us to move in the knowing that we are a soul with a body! This is the first part of a fusion practice, so if you’d like to finish a little longer in a savasana, do it!This is a yummy and playful practice and some of the poses include: down down chataranga flow, down dog scorpio, bow pose variations, bakasana and one leg chatarangas
Being Space With Ourselves While In Our Physical Body
This is a 90 minute, physically challenging practice Lunges, squats, plyometrics and pushups are the meat of this class Doing at least 100 reps of each, in a variety of ways Core work is done with a partner and instructions on how to do the exercise solo is instructed too Even in the challenge, can you be space with yourself? What does that feel like? What does it feel like to press into sensations in the body and be with that sensation fully? Wow, let the transformation begin!High and low impact variations are always instructed, allowing this to be appropriate for all levels However, if you are brand new to fitness, your body may be requesting lots of epsom bath salt soaks over the next 2 days and I highly suggest staying in low impact the entire class for most people You will finish this practice feeling like the next level of fitness now resides within you!
12 Minute Tone Up: Traditional Core Exercises
10 core exercises to tone the abs are done for 50 seconds each with 10 seconds of rest in between each ab exercise 8 exercises for the belly (upper abdominal, lower and obliques) and 2 for the back body, and finish with a few stretches to open it all up
Unstoppable! Tabata Burner 🙂
This 23 minute, advanced level full body workout starts out with a slower but very effective warm up Followed by 2 rounds of tabata with some exercises such as: one leg burpees, squat plyometric jumps, jumping jack tuck jumps and plank climbers A delightful yoga stretch cools us down Body weight only with a theme that encourages us to persevere, embody our unstoppable spirit and to touch someone’s heart with kindness today too
Meditation To Shift From Limitation To Expansion, Support And Vision
Shift from the bound contraction of doubt into the expansive place of love, faith and deep relaxation
A Tabata Workout With Yoga Cooldown
This 34 minute workout uses 3 Tabata rounds to work mostly upper body conditioning and heart-pumping goodness Exercises used in Tabata intervals include: crab kicks, shuffle punches, mountain climbers and burpees Yoga cool down stretches include cat/cow, dolphin pose, twisted child’s pose, cobra, thigh stretches and wrist and forearm therapy too